Friday, 23 June 2017

Girl in size 2 shoes meeting 27 different fears face on

                Girl in size 2 shoes meeting 27 different fears face on 

What does any normal girl turning 27 do? oh yeah she writes a list of 27 fears and challenges herself to complete all of them by her 28 birthday. Madness!

I think its important to challenge yourself every day to improve yourself, I'm excited and scared for what has to come. I'm guessing your wondering why now, nothing special about turning 27 but I think that this is the perfect time, I'm happy in myself and my job is perfect for this challenge, I have a great work to spare time ratio. So no excuses!

This will commence on the 14 August 2017 and will be completed on the 14 August 2018.

So here is the list some will confuse you now but  will come clear later on as I will explain through the year ( didn't want to overload you):

  1. Complete a stand up gig 
  2. Perform a music set at Puzzles open mic 
  3. Take ruby to dog class and relax when meeting other dogs 
  4. Go to aquarium  
  5. Diving off a diving board  
  6. Tree top wires at Go Ape   
  7. Write the first chapter of a novel and post in live to social media 
  8. Take my first holiday by going on my own
  9. Holding a snake
  10. Go fishing and hopefully catch a fish well not hopefully but will help me complete it
  11. Get my first tattoo
  12. Write a letter to my parent like they have past away
  13. Spend a whole day without my phone
  14. Go to a fortune teller
  15. Change a baby's diaper
  16. Hand out flyer to stranger's
  17. Try acupuncture
  18. Attend the holocaust museum
  19. Get fully drunk
  20. Do a boudoir shoot
  21. Attend a Burlesque class
  22. Wear a free hugs t-shirt and hug stranger's
  23. Spend my evening trying to eat fish at a fish bar
  24. Make a Youtube video about myself
  25. Paint-balling
  26. A letter to my younger self
  27. Spending the day without my phone.
Every time I complete a fear I will come back here to document it, explain how I felt, why i'm doing this fear and if I did it well too. I will include photos and links to video of me completing these fears so that you can enjoy the journey to fullest. I hope this inspires other to take more risks and enjoy life to the fear fullness. 

Sparkle will be included! :)