So it has started the challenges have begun and set out all over my wall like i'm some investigator looking for a killer. every date set and the first has been completed with sweat palms.
What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid of the unknown of pain to skin and trusting another with permanent art to my body.
What's the challenge?
To get a tattoo that has been chosen by my friend on my skin.
How was the experience?
So I spoke with my friend about a design to go on my body and she knows me that I am a big Disney fan, I'm also very similar to the character Tinkerbell due to being small in height, loving glitter and jokey being attention seeker so made sense that I would get Tinkerbell on my body. So where do I get the tattoo, I thought long and hard and decided that the best place for it would be on my right side of my stomach. so everything decided now and the day has arrived.
On the day I was nerves of the unknown, questions running through my head like what if the guy not good at the design? what if the pain is unbearable and get half a design done? and many more...
I arrive at the English rose and climb the stairs with shaky knees and rumble tummy of fear. The layout of the building full of tattoo designs which made me feel a bit more comfortable and other rooms of people tattooing away and the sound needles did help with my nerves. The tattoo artist approached and copied my design and prepped the room which made feel like the longest wait of my life even though it was only 20 mins.
I get called in by the artist and I am sharing a room with a guy getting a massive back piece which actually helps as he seems no pain to the needle and makes me think that the pain not to bad, he talks to me to help my fear while I lay down on the bed and my head is running with thoughts that this is actual happening, no going back now. My hearts thumping now and worry of everything that could go wrong but never happens.
The pain was crazy, My description of the pain is like being stapled through the skin so many time, I know! I bet you haven't heard that one before but that the only thing could pinpoint it down too. The design was done in 20 mins and I love it.
Would I get another one? No ... but I would like to get this one finished with Tinkerbell face and colour.
Has my fear gone? Probably not due to the pain.
I hope you like it and follow me on my journey as it has only just begun the crazy ride of girl with the size 2 in fear.